6/26 Playtest Patch Notes

Ultra Strikers Playtest

[list][*]Strikers are no longer grouped as light, medium, and heavy.  [/*][list][*]The goal of the change is to allow strikers to have a wider variety of HP, speed, and abilities, and reduce the need for a designated goalie class [/*][/list][*]Cosmetic tab added [/*][list][*]Players can now choose what skin they would like to equip to all loadouts.  [/*][/list][*]New Player Queue and Bots [/*][list][*]New players now start in a new player queue against bots (first 3 matches) [/*][*]This approach helps newer players have much more balanced matches at the start, so they can learn the game without being heavily punished at the start, and don’t get stomped on by veterans and immediately leave. It also improves the experience for stronger players, who want a challenge and don’t want to be matched against total newbies. [/*][/list][*]Practice Range [/*][list][*]The Practice Range is now blocked out to help guide players through the area and different tutorials. [/*][*]This will help new players learn the game more quickly and easily [/*][/list][*]Gameplay [/*][list][*]Players that leave matches too many times will receive a temporary ban from queuing into matches (‘deserter penalty). [/*][list][*]This penalty starts off small, and escalates as players leave or disconnect from more matchers. The reason why we’re adding this mechanic is many players were experiencing aborted matches due to teammates leaving matches, and this mechanic should help with that. [/*][/list][*]Added a minimap to show teammate position.  [/*][list][*]This change enables more strategic gameplay, based on their positioning. [/*][/list][*]Goal Healing [/*][list][*]Healing around the goal is now split between all players in the goal area. The more teammates in the goal area, the less healing each receives.  [/*][/list][*]Passing [/*][list][*]Successful passes now grant teammates 300 healing over 5 seconds.  [/*][*]Passing has been changed to be much more responsive [/*][*]This encourages more teamwork and ball movement [/*][/list][*]Ball gravity changes [/*][list][*]Ball gravity and air friction has been updated to reduce long distance shots.  [/*][*]Long distance shots were fun, but made it very hard for players to leave the goal. This change results in less long distance shots, so that many roles can play defender, versus needing a heavy as dedicated goalie. [/*][/list][*]Offsides rules [/*][list][*]Passing downfield (towards the enemy goal) is only permitted if there is an enemy further downfield. [/*][*]This rule is pretty standard in many sports games, and we found out why in the last playtest. Having offsides forces more strategic gameplay, versus chucking the ball from one side of the field to the other. [/*][*]Passing upfield (towards your own goal) is never considered offsides. [/*][/list][*]Juke [/*][list][*]While holding the ball, players can now activate a new movement ability that will strafe them in the direction they are moving.  [/*][*]This change adds a fun element of being able to dodge other players and strategically boost, and increases the skill cap of the game (without raising the skill floor much) [/*][/list][*]Punt [/*][list][*]Toss the ball at full power in a random direction within a 45 degree cone in front of you, this requires no charge up time (Default keybind is Q). [/*][list][*]This change lets more classes act effectively as defenders, and increases ball movement, and increases the pace of the game [/*][/list][/list][*]All Loadouts [/*][list][*]On Fire buffs are now unified to give speed boosts, increased HP and a cooldown reduction on abilities at reduced rates.  [/*][list][*]This change generally improves the balance of the game [/*][/list][/list][*]Kraken [/*][list][*]You can now charge the distance the leap goes. [/*][*]This change enables Kraken to get back to the goal more quickly, so he can play further up if needed, and increases skill for the class [/*][/list][*]Falcon [/*][list][*]While on the ground, activating the movement ability will thrust the player forward instead of vertically. [/*][*]This change enables Falcon to get back to the goal more quickly, so he can play further up if needed, and increases skill for the class [/*][/list][*]Fury [/*][list][*]Impact Grenade update to no longer force enemies to drop the ball. It is now a projectile that causes knockback in a large AOE. [/*][*]This change makes his ability more impactful [/*][/list][*]Temporarily removed London from the map rotation and from customs matches. [/*][list][*]As the art direction continues to update, we believe London is not in a place yet to test, so it has been temporarily removed from the rotation.  [/*][/list][/list][/list] Fixes [list][*]Fixed several issues with the input buffer on automatic weapons.  [/*][*]Fixed an issue where players could sometimes pick the same loadout.  [/*][*]Fixed an issue where deflect and tackle would not deflect the ball if it was above your crosshair while looking straight up. [/*][*]Fixed an issue where the Rhino charge could be spammed.  [/*][/list]