

You need to build a team and get rewards through automatic battles. Of course, if you are free, you can also manual control the players to overcome more difficult battle in the game and get more rewards. Keep collecting equipment with better properties or nurturing stronger pets.

1.修复技能升级第一次经验消耗异常的问题; 2.现在在炼器界面可以选择打造的装备等级; 3.简易和轻装的效果更改为降低10%和20%的等级要求; 4.修复属性超过整型数上限会变负数的问题; 5.强化效果变更为每级提升5%的全属性,但锻造等级上限调整为(装备等级-100)/50+10(不足100级时锻造等级上限不变); 6.为了平衡装备属性提升带来的影响,魔界属性生效的效果降低到最低40%;