

You need to build a team and get rewards through automatic battles. Of course, if you are free, you can also manual control the players to overcome more difficult battle in the game and get more rewards. Keep collecting equipment with better properties or nurturing stronger pets.

1.更新数个后续BOSS; 2.现在天赋可以自由切换; 3.暴击机制修改,现在暴击率基础为20%,可以根据必杀技能等级增加(法宝现在会带有此技能),暴击现在会增加暴击的伤害而不是暴击率,暴怒会增加暴击而不是暴击伤害,幸运会减少受到暴击的概率而不是暴击伤害; PS:暴击的设计有些偏离初衷了,让人感觉不到一丝惊喜,现在希望 4.妖丹现在可以选择使用大量的魔石和少量灵气提升; 5.宠物统御现在没有了上限,但需要更多的御兽丸以进行升级; 6.修复若干已知问题。