5/22 2:20更新

異星病毒Alien virus

「異星病毒Alien virus」 是一款末日生存RPG遊戲,位於【漢克市】的秘密實驗室爆發了前所未見的病毒感染,由於市長隱匿疫情,導致了全球數十億人喪命。此病毒被聯合國命名為【漢克病毒Mutantvirus-17】,人類將面臨什麼危機呢?

1. The underground fortress map and world map can no longer be opened from the backpack. (Only use M and N keys to open) 2. In the bow and arrow skills, the additional stun of [Wan Lei Hengding LV.1] has been changed to 1 round [Wan Lei Hengding LV.2] The additional stun is changed to 1 round [Wan Lei Hengding LV.3] The additional stun is changed to 2 rounds 3. [Ice Cage] in water magic skills increases MP consumption 4. Improve the enemy gain BUFF effect.