5/16 1:30更新

異星病毒Alien virus

「異星病毒Alien virus」 是一款末日生存RPG遊戲,位於【漢克市】的秘密實驗室爆發了前所未見的病毒感染,由於市長隱匿疫情,導致了全球數十億人喪命。此病毒被聯合國命名為【漢克病毒Mutantvirus-17】,人類將面臨什麼危機呢?

1. Repair the abnormal crossing of 3F of Peters Building. 2. Fix the abnormal target of the [Holy Light Guard] skill in the light magic. 3. Fix the effect of [Ice Cage] in the water magic. 4. Fix the lack of magic buff icon in [Fire Heart LV.6] in fire magic. 5. Weaken the [Red Flame Phase Method] attack enhancement coefficient in the fire magic. 6. Repair the 2F map obstruction of Cook's Arctic Tower. 7. Weaken the increase ratio of strengthening stone. **Purification Stone was not completely repaired in the last update. The current state is that the same piece of equipment can only be used once, and an abnormality occurs the second time it is used** (Currently looking for a solution, the update will be uploaded after the repair is completed)