40+ Levels & New Features!

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle

Copy Editor is an intricate puzzle game that teaches you Regular Expressions (RegEx), commonly used in computer science and language theory. Build complex rules that process and revise famous texts for your wacky and demanding publisher!

Hello! This is Chris, the lead developer. Thank you for sticking with us! This is our non-profit's first early access game and we had planned to release this update earlier, but I'm grateful for your continued patience and for the fact we were finally able to get it done before the start of the school year. Where to begin... this is a massive update. We had no idea how much feedback we would get - so many helpful suggestions and criticisms, all overwhelming helpful and in the service of making a more engaging, educational game - so much so that it really felt like a collaboration, and had us considering elements we would never have otherwise. It continues to amaze me how many people enjoy playing games like this and it's such a pleasure to hear from you and work with you on this genre of game. The big news is we have 41 levels live currently, and many of the previous levels have been tinkered with and reworked. I'm proud to say that there's nothing that (to us anyway) felt padded or repetitive, we were aiming for quality in these levels, as well as a more balanced learning curve, which we think we've improved dramatically, though there's still some work to be done there. Perhaps the most difficult component of level design was making the same puzzle repayable when newer concepts are "unlocked", such that you can earn more stars from it. We really tried to pace the campaign carefully so that you couldn't rush through with your first solution to every level, but rather had to come back and re-examine past levels with an eye toward what you've since learned. That was a truly monumental task, and I hope we've gotten the pacing more or less right. Lots of new concepts are introduced including backtracking (which opened up lots of really neat puzzle opportunities) as well as lookaheads - plus as many of you suggested, flags have been added (though not integrated in puzzles as of yet). Some UI improvements were added along with SFX and a slideshow / cutscene type system that may introduce some concepts and break up the level progression. Out of an abundance of caution, I've created a new public branch called "previous" where the previous build can be accessed just in case there are some bugs. We obviously play tested, but you never know! Thank you for your support and engagement, - I continue to be inspired by the community of players who enjoy games like this. Please feel free to reach out to our non-profit any time (info@cinqmarsmedia.org) or on twitter at @cinqmarsmedia. We always love to hear from you! My Deepest Gratitude, - Chris