3.3 - Respawning, Quality tweaks (Last Demo Update [For Real] )

Slime Research

Slimy Puzzle Platforming

Levels [list] [*] Added "Refill" object, that restores missing Slime Fluid when you pass over it [*] Doors light up when Opened, Buttons light up when Pressed [*] Door sprite cleaned up - Sprite no longer flickers out "back" of door when Opening/Closing [*] Slime Buttons have been made less springy, easier to activate [*] Particles at Spawn and Goal will now evaporate - Was causing Slime to auto-respawn at Spawn [*] Wire "On" is now a sprite change, not an extra gameobject [/list] VFX [list] [*] VFX on Spawn and Refills show when there is any Slime to respawn [*] Passive VFX on Exit [/list] Misc [list] [*] Hide Build Info, now togglable from Options->Display [/list]