3.1 patch notes FEATURES - better performance steam achievements hd Fonts blyptra mode roll speed landscape lock --modding stuff-- custom tactics, custom-er side effects, summon heroes lots more, textmod v1.1 I guess broke half the 3.0 mods, sorry BALANCE - adjustments to the graph nerfed 'myriad options' tinkered with generated heroes heroes changed: lazy whirl scrapper barbarian eccentric wanderer scoundrel clumsy dabbler gambler ludus agent alloy knight bard prince poet valkyrie fey surgeon fate prodigy cultist evoker jester seer warlock ace primrose spade presence statue sphere coffin alien tainted vessel jumble pilgrim doctor monsters changed: the hand, sudul modifiers changed: hero immunity, reduced defence, 4hp, 3 pip pain, barricade, expensive spells, immune monsters, lowest exert, heavy weapons, static blanks, back to basics, double monster hp, stone first, dooms, monster rows, mortals, caltrops, heavy dice, tough hp, big hitter, death shield, sickly, mana debt, tower, monster shields, monster hp, spiky monsters, wurst, nth death, manymore items changed: color-restricted items, tracked, cursed bolt, wand of wand, anchor, infused herbs, coin, trowel, foil, kilt, polearm, flickering blade, buckler, autumn leaf, clumsy hammer, tower shields, fletching, clef, pillow, terrarium, shortsword, wristblade, enchanted shield, pocket phylactery, clover, syringe, duvet, harpoon, wild seeds, relic, cracked plate, magic staff, obol, idol of aiiu, antivenom, soup, tiara, natural, powerstone, full moon, dragonhide gloves, eggshell, fangs, dynamo, cocoon, pauldron, sponge, gizmo, determination, jewel loupe, eucalyptus, candle, water, sparks, hourglass, cauldron, enhance wand, ornate hilt, troll blood, demon claw, boots of speed, burning halo, poison dip, katar, serration, brimstone, wax seal, spike stone, egg basket BUGS - fixed some exploits double permadeath crash added some new bugs to balance out the ones I fixed MISC - more party layouts for cursed modes removed rise, grave spam, poison immunity from cursed modes messed with achievements changed some names messed with command limit renamed heroes keep their new name when levelling up