2MD: VR Football 2020 Engine and Optimization Update

2MD: VR Football Classic

2MD VR Football Classic is a room-scale two-minute drill VR arcade experience that allows players to become a virtual quarterback! Draw your own plays before taking them on the road to victory. Featuring customization, fast-paced gameplay, an action packed bonus game, and more.

Hi all! Now that we've got a dedicated Oculus Rift / Oculus Quest launch out of the way, we're turning our attention back to the build that started it all. The original 2MD was created using Unity 4 and one of the earliest implementations of the OpenVR standard. It has performed remarkably will despite having no engine updates over the years, however as technology has progressed and new headsets have been added, we've been made aware of a few issues that impact the experience of a small subset of users (less than 5%). That being said, our main goal with 2MD is that people have fun, with an experience that only VR can truly provide. To that end, we've got some small but not insubstantial updates on the way this month. [olist] [*] We've added additional optimizations that were not present in the original game; namely, a fully functioning LOD system for the players that will allow for better performance across all systems, both low to high end. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30748067/42914216662056703e83d21f5d1fc7a7b3c9c98a.png[/img] [*] The whiteboard system has also seen a significant update. It now utilizes an enumerator function initially developed for the PSVR version of the game, this greatly reduces the overhead caused by instantiating your saved plays. The result is instead of each route being drawn in one frame, they are drawn over the course of several, eliminating potential hiccups / frame drops. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30748067/5ac3006b4552e560c0dc60bdef06186a7a0182e6.png[/img] [*] We've added an entirely new (and cleverly named) set of quality modes that are a bit more descriptive. More importantly, there are now variants of all the mid-range to high-end modes that have the broadcast camera enabled (for streaming and social screen play) and disabled for every other circumstance. The reason for this is simply performance -- the added broadcast cameras tend to add significant overhead, which can put a strain on even higher-level systems.[b] This is the most common cause of dropped throws, by far, for the vast majority of players, and it is our hope that this will improve the experience for everyone.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30748067/8f2daef9e88abfb39666605ea2d8ad1ba4398ad8.png[/img] [*] Our small studio tests on a variety of systems, incorporating everything from the standard Vive, Rift, Rift/S, Vive Pro, and WMR headsets. Whereas performance and handling can differ slightly between these three, the game is fully compatible with all of these HMDs, because it uses the OpenVR standard. We've personally tested this updated on Rift-S, Vive, Vive Pro in recent days as well to confirm that tracking and ball behaviors are identical. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30748067/9a389eecda9c1d1b5f92cdd2477ccba6ac972aab.jpg[/img] That being said, we've also adjusted the slider values for throw power, as oculus headsets tend to throw a little shorter than their Vive counterparts, so this should allow for more accurate and consistent throw distance for those headsets. [b]Because the ratios for throw height and power are now different, you will need to re-calibrate your throw settings upon downloading this update![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30748067/4ebc15489ab8b28aae3feac856ddf61ba9596285.png[/img] [*] Lastly, the game has been updated to a 64 bit executable, which will provide faster loading and enhanced performance on systems which can supply additional memory. [/olist] There are a couple of other small QOL improvements here and there, as well as the addition of a small Easter egg that we're sure none of you will find. But you'll get a shoutout if you do! As always, thanks for playing 2MD, and for supporting us in the days to come! Oh, and don't forget to visit us at PAX East 2020 at the end of this month. We'll be showcasing as part of Indie MEGABOOTH! Tell us what you think of the game, grab some free swag (and let us know if you got the steam version too!)