2D Workshop is now Live

Desktop Mascot Engine

Have your favorite character live as a real-time mascot on your Desktop. Interact with it or have it interact with you.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32662029/ee9ad9dc4cf8ff218a9f81a1093b250dd9c14c54.png[/img] A new build update has just been pushed to Steam which includes the 2D Workshop Submission tool. The workshop tool can be accessed by clicking the "Workshop" button in the Main Interface or by accessing the "WorkshopTool/workshop.exe" build file in DME's steam folder. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32662029/42c4b6c4916c87d0a7621e1f0d737a0a917fcc3d.png[/img] Eff has also published a basic guide on how to use the Workshop tool here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1529777138 Currently, the workshop tool only includes Submission for 2D characters. Our 2D Character Engine is also ready and will be released in 2 days time, we are testing the "Subscribe/Download" part of the workshop with it. Its built keeping Shimeji's in mind (which most of the users requested) and as such, supports all of the Shimeji's (sprites/animations). To start with, we have kept support for the following Animations- Idle, Walk, Climb, Fall. We will add support for more animation types and custom actions in upcoming days, as we develop the 2D character engine more. For the time being, you can start submitting your 2D characters/shimejis to the workshop and start subscribing to what you like, once the 2D Engine update is released in next 2 days, you can start using them. The workshop tool also needs some improvements but we feel its stable and functional enough to be released as a version 1. Feedback is most welcomed, for suggestions and requests please use the community discussions.