24.06.24 Major Update: Anti-cheat, Crafting Announce, Own servers, Lucky Drop

Egg Surprise

A fun clicker with economic simulation in the penguin kingdom. Obtain rare collections, venture into dangerous dungeons, and build your own civilization!

[h1]Major Update for Egg Surprise - June 24, 2024[/h1] [olist] [*] Enhanced Security: We've fortified our defenses against hacks, breaches, and potential server issues. Our game now ensures stable uptime and a high level of protection against malicious activities. [*] Crafting System Announced: We're introducing a new crafting system that will redefine the crafting experience. To create complex items, you'll need to hunt for collections and keep up with the latest updates. [*] Valuable Items: There are virtually no "junk" items in the game. What may seem low-value now can significantly increase in worth due to updates and changes in the crafting system. [*] Active Developer Support: Our team monitors the game around the clock to ensure stable performance and fair gameplay conditions. We're dedicated to providing continuous support and addressing any issues promptly. [*] We've also implemented a referral system that allows you to invite your friends to the game and earn additional items as rewards. Currently, the system is in monitoring mode, recording the referral data. Once the reward mechanism is fully implemented, you will receive your rewards for the accumulated referrals during this [/olist] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45038524/c2cd45cbd2f3cff155c2e628be16fc05df954e86.png[/img] [h1]Future Development Plans[/h1] [olist] [*] Regular Events: We plan to introduce regular in-game events to keep the gameplay dynamic and engaging. [*] Improved Community Management: We'll provide clear guidelines for trading and crafting to enhance the player experience and foster a supportive community. [*] Fair Play System: We are committed to ensuring a fair system for all honest players. [*] Market Integrity: We will prevent any manipulations of the in-game market to maintain a balanced and fair economy. [/olist]