2024.8 Release


GameMaker has everything you need to take your idea from concept to finished game. With no barriers to entry and powerful functionality, GameMaker is the ultimate 2D development environment!

GameMaker 2024.8 is here, bringing a vast number of stability fixes and performance improvements. There have been several IDE fixes for stutters when moving windows or writing code, and also for startup crashes on some user's systems caused by OS permissions problems or antivirus/firewall applications. On the runtimes side, Android and iOS developers get important additions to avoid submission problems and there are a number of new in-game functions added for Flex Panels, scissor regions, HTTP timeouts, and more debug GUI controls. The [url=https://gamemaker.io/en/blog/release-2024-8]release blog[/url] highlights a few key changes and a much fuller list of the important fixes and improvements is on [url=https://releases.gamemaker.io/release-notes/2024/8]the Release Notes page for 2024.8[/url].