2024.2 Release


GameMaker has everything you need to take your idea from concept to finished game. With no barriers to entry and powerful functionality, GameMaker is the ultimate 2D development environment!

[i]IDE v2024.2.0.132 Runtime v2024.2.0.163[/i] You can see all the changes and fixes by checking [url=https://github.com/YoYoGames/GameMaker-Bugs/milestone/7?closed=1]the milestone page for this release[/url], but in summary 2024.2 brings a lot of bug fixes and performance improvements already (especially in-game, but also a number of stability and project-loading fixes in the IDE). In terms of new features and notable changes, you will find: [list] [*] Projects are now saved/loaded in a new format and there have been multiple changes to sort entries in a predictable manner and avoid source control conflicts [*] Sequences now have audio effect tracks, so you can manipulate the audio in your Sequences over time [*] The code editor and compiler will now better catch functions which have not had all required arguments provided [*] #macro definitions now support inheritance (as was always implied by the IDE using a tree for the configs editor) [*] Tilemaps are now compressed in your rooms [*] Static functions now have non-anonymous names to help with debugging issues [*] The in-game debug UI dialogs have had a number of fixes/additions and there have been various fixes to the Debugger inside the IDE [*] There is a new gml_pragma() option "optimise" for HTML5 games to turn on/off further JS optimisations [*] A new Gaussian Blur filter has been added for you to use in your games [/list] And also: [list] [*] Fixed that borderless games would still resize themselves when using async dialogs, despite not being exclusive fullscreen [*] Fixed issues with building Extensions on case-sensitive operating systems [*] And there have been a number of tweaks and improvements for the in-IDE bug reporting tool so it's even smoother and easier to send us a report when issues do occur [/list] [b]Be aware that due to the changes in project format, 2024 IDEs will no longer allow you to set 2023-and-older runtimes as active and they will not appear in the table in Preferences > Runtime Feeds. Projects created/edited in 2024 IDEs can generally be used in older IDEs, so that's not a problem, but if you need to use older runtimes to create or build your projects, then you need to use the matching older IDE also.[/b] For more on what's new in this February 2024 release, see [url=https://gamemaker.io/en/blog/release-2024-2]the release blog post[/url].