20220510修正更新 版本: 3.0611360034

Path Of Wuxia

Path of Wuxia combines classic wuxia world and youthful school life with anime art style, features simulation gameplay well known by Heluo fans. Play as a young Xia who join the academy known as the Hermitic Pavilions of Xia, grow strong along with various schoolmates and seek your own path of Xia.

[b]更新項目[/b] [調整]調整第一年七夕傳送方式為互動觸發,選擇留在此地不再黑幕 [修正]淨師傅好感度設定錯誤的問題 [修正]擊殺屍人二 任務完成旗標 [修正]棋藝高階奇遇木人心莫名加了欣賞度 [修正]匡君廟戲台~探索鏡頭精簡 [修正]修正部分心法、招式、特質效果 [修正]修正因在演出中修改名稱與描述的繁簡問題 [修正]修正按鍵設定手把顯示錯誤的問題 [調整]關閉搖桿按鈕設定,改為預設值 [調整]段傳書陣營值調整 [調整]部份傳書佈告欄文字調整 [調整]擊殺屍人之三 對話調整 [調整]協助新藥試驗 戰鬥與節奏調整 [調整]邊疆野地,效能改善