
Path Of Wuxia

Path of Wuxia combines classic wuxia world and youthful school life with anime art style, features simulation gameplay well known by Heluo fans. Play as a young Xia who join the academy known as the Hermitic Pavilions of Xia, grow strong along with various schoolmates and seek your own path of Xia.

大家好,俠之道團隊在經過四月份的整合以及重新規畫後,在考慮疫情影響人事的同時,為確保品質,原定於五月及六月的的更新計畫將推遲至七月中更新,其原因在於團隊除了加緊補齊第三年劇情外,也將拉長測試期,令新增及原有內容能達到要求,同時也將兩次更新合併為一次,避免分散更新增加測試與修復的工作時程,在五到七月期間團隊也會繼續針對惡性BUG進行處理,並以每兩周更新的方式進行。 最後再次感謝玩家們的支持,俠之道團隊會持續努力完善整個俠之道。