2022.11.1 Update Release


GameMaker has everything you need to take your idea from concept to finished game. With no barriers to entry and powerful functionality, GameMaker is the ultimate 2D development environment!

IDE v2022.11.1.56 Runtime v2022.11.1.75 This is a small, but very important update which fixes some of the top issues in the original 2022.11.0 release: [list] [*] Building Projects: Texture pages no longer get overlapping sprites in some cases [was only an issue in 2022.11.0 builds] [*] Debugger: Fixed an issue where GameMaker locked up (and potentially RAM usage jumped up also) when hovering over any object instance values in a debugger event window which has hit a breakpoint/been paused [*] Project Load: Fixed that some Windows/macOS/Ubuntu Game Options were reset to their "Test" defaults each time any project is loaded by some users of those IDEs [*] Startup: GM no longer goes unstable when starting up whilst offline/no network adapter has been found (which resulted in an MQTT exception in the ui.log) [Note that currently it's still possible to get this kind of error if you are online, but in your firewall setup you have blocked GameMaker from accessing your network - please see [url=https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022953052]our GameMaker permissions FAQ[/url] for how to stop this] [*] In-Game: Fixed that games sometimes failed to start in 2022.11.0 builds due to an audio thread initialisation issue (typically blamed either a collision event time error or just stopped on AudioInit() in the compiler log), which was a source of ANRs on Google Play and inconsistent Steam startups [/list] And be aware that for PS4 developers, the SDK version required is now 10.00.94, which is a slight increase over the older-but-still-"10.000" SDK which 2022.11.0 requires. Just ensure you're using the latest "10.000" SDK now.