2017.03.19: Cumulative Fixes

Tomb of Tyrants

Claim and defend the Tomb of Tyrants against greedy adventurers by matching tiles to build a deadly dungeon full of traps, minions, and more!

It has been another busy couple of months--just not for Tomb of Tyrants, I'm afraid. But with my newborn finally settling into a sleep pattern and a major release wrapping up at work, I found a bit more time for Tomb than usual this week; hopefully that is a sign of things to come. The beta still isn't ready, but a few important fixes have accumulated which needed to be added to the standard release. I would love to offer an updated estimate for the beta, but I've already put my foot in my mouth a few times there. However, it isn't fair of me to continue to leave everyone hanging for weeks or even months without an update, so, from now on, I will try to make an announcement at least once every couple weeks, even if I don't have any releases going out, just to keep everyone apprised. I'll try to focus on specific topics and request your input. Of course, you can already read some of the details and offer your thoughts [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/340360/discussions/0/333656722968833525/]here[/url]. Thank you for your patience, and for your continued suggestions and assistance in identifying and implementing the fixes below! ːtotcordialː [h1]Changelog[/h1] [b]Fixes:[/b][list] [*]Character outlines weren't always on when turned on in settings [*]Resetting prophecy progress wasn't functioning as expected [*]Another possible "track 7" crash for some legacy players [*]A 64-bit Windows library loading crash on start-up [/list]