

A blend of old school gameplay and new school controls. Experience a classically styled roguelike in a way you never have before!

[h3]FIXED IN THIS UPDATE[/h3] [list] [*] A crash that could occur when the game rolls for a random wandering monster [/list] Small update to fix that crash. It was more likely to happen early on in classic mode whereas in normal mode it could only happen very late it your run. Thanks to the player who let me know about it! As a side note, version 2.3 is starting to take shape. The main feature will be extra abilities you can use or stat increases you can get by attaching the hacked off monster pieces to your armor. I'd like to have each monster have its own unique ability that it can give you but some monsters abilities may be the same if it starts taking me a while to implement them all. As always, please let me know if you find any more bugs! Thanks!