1v3 dungeon crawler Crawl crawls out in April


Crawl is the local multiplayer dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters! Battle through dungeons and power up your hero - if a friend kills you they take your place and it’s their turn to crawl. It's a race to gain enough XP and loot to take on the hulking final boss!

Ace local multiplayer dungeon crawler Crawl [official site] will leave early access after two-and-a-half years to properly launch on April 11th, developers Powerhoof have announced. Crawl is a roguelikelike dungeon-crawling action-RPG, see, with one player as an adventurer and three player controlling the monsters and traps. It’s cooperative/competitive local multiplayer, or compoerative as we definitely do say in The Business. I’ve not played it in yonks but it was fun even way back when, so a full and fancy release sounds grand. … [visit site to read more]