14 languages available!

Spaceland: Sci-Fi Indie Tactics

Incredibly dynamic turn-based strategy, reviving the traditions of the old school tactics. Lead a team of the most desperate fighters, destroy alien monsters and uncover the secrets of the lost planet.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34829109/02788f65c85c84f819baaae6dbf0ca0b0b975dc0.png[/img] Hi, Spacelanders! Missing news about Spaceland? We glad to say that Spaceland will support 14 languages! Now more than half of planet could freely play our tactical space adventure. And congratulations to our space community. We have 3000 followers in group of Spaceland. Thanks all. Keep following us to get full information about Spaceland and it's release. Live long and prosper.