100% Steam Deck兼容性!

Minishoot' Adventures

Fly into a charming handcrafted world and go on an adventure that mixes up open exploration with crispy twin-stick shooter action. Fight your way from the shiny overworld to the deepest caves, improve your ship and overcome the dungeons' bosses to rescue your friends!

在等待Steam官方验证的同时,我们可以确认Minishoot'在Steam Deck上是100%可玩的,稳定的60 fps,且在极少数情况下会有非常小的fps下降。 我们已经收到了来自多位玩家的反馈,他们报告说在Steam Deck上玩得非常开心,所以放心使用吧! 谢谢, Argl & Kuho