[h1]Hello Gang![/h1]
[b]It’s Out. Now. Go Play.[/b]
What? You want details? Eugh. FIne. Here are the Patch Notes:
[*] Versus presets - Preset configurations for versus mode. Become a "Blademaster" in Particle Blade only duels or practice your accuracy in "One Shot".
[*] New levels - Seven brand new versus levels are available! These levels include various new physics platforms and hazards. Swinging lasers, platforms suspended on breakable chains, hornets and more!
[*] Dedicated servers - Versus mode is now using a beta version of new dedicated servers!
[*] Scroll of Heck< - A list of the in-game cosmetic unlocks for you completionists. Complete the scroll and earn even more spider colors!
[*] Limited Tiers - Time limited Tiers of Heck challenges will periodically become available. Complete these to earn unique cosmetics!
[*] Achievements - New achievements have been added for beating pain levels and parkour.
[*] New map editor objects - New objects are available in the map editor.
[*] Modifier “One Shot” made available in versus settings
[*] Web now properly disconnects if the object spider is webbing to gets destroyed.
[*] Fixed: In versus map selection the “Custom maps” and “Default maps” buttons are not translated and are displayed in english.
[*] Fixed an issue where players could make custom tier with no waves.
[*] Fixed - The 'Name the map' menu stays over the screen after pressing the 'ESC' key on the 'Name the map' menu.
[*] Fixed - The background of the new created map fails to display in the custom map after saving the new map using a dot '.' in the name of custom map New versus mode.
[*] Fixed - Player1 able to customize and access player2 character in customize screen
[*] Fixed - “select none/all” option jumping around in versus map selection screen.
[*] Auto Shotgun - Each burst now counts as a separate shot. No more half bursts when modifiers are enabled.
[*] Auto Shotgun - Reworked recoil - less kick for aiming, more pushback on spider on each shot.
[*] Lobby reworked to make islands easier to find.
[*] Default Versus round count is now 7.
[*] Other minor changes and fixes that Neverjam forgot to list.
If you find any bugs please head over to our [url=https://discord.gg/KpzuAm6rVJ]Discord[/url] and let us know!
See you in SpiderHeck!