1.3.25 Update


SANABI is an exhilarating stylish dystopian action-platformer. Play as a legendary retired veteran and use your signature prosthetic arm to jump over cliffs and skyscrapers, zip through bullets and traps and defeat powerful enemies.

Greetings from the SANABI Team! [b][h3]Changes Made[/h3][/b][list] [*] Adjusted the difficulty and length of the Chapter 3 boss sequence [*] Fixed a bug in which a particular SFX of the Chapter 4 boss attack was not played properly [*] Adjusted the difficulty and length of the Chapter 5 boss sequence [*] Fixed a bug in which the BGM would not be properly played in the Speedrun mode [*] Fixed a typo in the training ground tutorial [*] Fixed a bug in which launching SANABI from another PC could reset the game's difficulty option [/list] Thank you.