1.3.13 Update

Hello everyone, This is SANABI team. We like to inform about 1.3.13 update is now available. Please find the details of the update below. [list] [*] Fixed an issue which player can't progress after first map of Chapter 2. [*] Fixed an issue which happens after error of interaction with certain NPC. [*] Fixed an issue of Steam Achievement which player cannot acieve regarding Chapter 3 Boss clear. [*] Fixed an issue which player can't progress after Chapter 4 training field. [*] Fixed an issue which BGM is not playing properly in Chapter 5. [/list] In addition, we've fixed following issues as well. [list] [*] Issue which save file crashed under certain conditions. [*] Issue which happens in prologue training field when playing with certain languages. [*] Fixed wrong texts and minor bug issues. [*] [/list] Thank you. SANABI Team.