1.3.1 Hotfix!

All-In-One Sports VR

13 Sports in 1 Game ! What type of sports acitivities will be safer during the pandemic era? All in One sports VR offers the most safe way to keep you healthy for both physically and mentally with zero contact.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39627236/7177deaa35d95c8cfb3c1e96380199688d76d842.png[/img] Hello All-In-One Sports VR players! We are always striving to provide you with the best gaming experience possible. We are pleased to announce the release of the 1.3.1 hotfix update. The following issues have been addressed in this update: [h2]1.3.1 Hotfix Update Details[/h2] [h3]Badminton[/h3] Fixed a bug where players could catch the shuttlecock after serving. [h3]Bowling/Archery[/h3] Changed the UI text color for better readability. [h3]Boxing[/h3] Resolved the lighting issue with the mini-game gloves. We hope these updates make your gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable. We always welcome your feedback and appreciate your continuous support and love for our game. We will continue to do our best to provide you with an even better gaming experience. Thank you.