[1.2.42] Patch

Banners of Ruin

Assemble your party. Answer the call. Win the war. Build a deck and fight a series of turn-based combats with up to 6 party characters through the city of Dawn's Point. Each character can unlock a set of unique cards and abilities that can augment your deck in powerful, exciting ways.

[h3][Changes][/h3] - Pickaxe now gains you 5 Defence if the target had any Defence to begin with. - The "Weapons" scenario that could appear outside the City Walls now doesn't spawn for The Powdermaster, since it's redundant at that time. [h3][Fixes][/h3] - Fix for the Sticks and Stones challenge granting a variation of the base starter deck, rather than the Powdermaster's. - Fix for icon typo in Blast Forger's description in German. - Fix for many small typos in French. - Removed Sparring Sword and Crude Hatchet from being visible in the compendium (they are tutorial-only weapons). - Fix for Powdermaster unlocks starting at Tier 1 (you may now be effectively 1 Tier behind where you thought you were). - Fix for Quick Witted passive not correctly triggering when enemies gained Charge. - Fix for Blitz spawning a beta version of the card. - Fix for Counterblast not consuming damage properly.