[1.1.16] - Patch & Portuguese Brazilian Update

Banners of Ruin

Assemble your party. Answer the call. Win the war. Build a deck and fight a series of turn-based combats with up to 6 party characters through the city of Dawn's Point. Each character can unlock a set of unique cards and abilities that can augment your deck in powerful, exciting ways.

[h2][1.1.16][/h2] [h3][New][/h3] - Updated translation for Portuguese Brazilian, featuring all the new content in the Hunters Update. [h3][Fixes][/h3] - Fixed some inconsistencies with how Weapon Damage was used on some Weapon Cards, which meant, in part, a Wolf using their Racial Ability to play other characters' weapons could deal their own Weapon Damage instead. - Fix for an exploit in the Arena scenario, where restarting the game during the second fight would consider it won after reloading. - Fix for Besiege not working correctly for single movements (not swapping), where if the position was free, it would move the player character to the default combat position (enemy side). - Fix for some of the new cards that draw additional cards not triggering the Ender Crossbowmen's Overwatch status.