1.2.4 - Improvements and Balancing

Make the Burger

Make burgers with assorted ingredients, memorize orders and be quick before time runs out. Make your customers happy by eating delicious hamburgers, but remember, nobody likes to get wrong orders.

Hello hamburger fans! πŸ” After a little over two weeks of work finally, we finished some improvements and corrections in Make the Buger. Many of these changes were intended to provide a better experience during the game and also from user feedback. [h3] βš’οΈ Improvement [/h3] [b] Information improvements in the newspaper [/b] [list] [*] We changed the word [u]record[/u] to [u]score[/u]. [*] The word [u] points [/u] changed to [u] happiness [/u] to better represent. [*] [FIX] We also adjusted the word [u] customers [/u] which was misspelled. [*] And we also have a padlock to show when there is no ingredient available for purchase. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/ee128b557bce33930c796634dc188e1bc40b75f0.png[/img] [b] Player feedback improvements [/b] [list] [*] In the upper right corner where the score is, we put the word score written, some players were confused with another type of point. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/94eeb896c839e9891b6bf27f1e2ee7b8f0b3fbae.png[/img] [*] The happiness bar gained more prominence to show when the points changed levels. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/07ec39b9124664e05d4f04550769b8c28ce25ebc.gif[/img] [*] Rain sound effect added. [*] The happiness bar now notifies you how many points have been won or lost. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/7f48c6baa619b47c7f5b54c7dfc03c1d72749a18.gif[/img] [*] Now one of the improvements that several players asked for, the command is no longer hidden. Now you can see it for the entire customer waiting time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/585fd872196ed59a4600294daf8077b4f459855f.gif[/img] [*]We added visual feedback on special customers and critics, so that they are more visible during the game. Now a balloon is on top of each one while they are walking. [b]Shops[/b] [*] Now inside the store it also tells you how many happiness points you have to spend and shows the happiness bar as well. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38322165/50cc5b46945d35a3b987c27923114f2e3ad17c7e.gif[/img] [*] Now during the store release transition, it appears which store is being released in the transition. [/list] [h3] βš’οΈ Balancing [/h3] [list] [*] We changed the waiting time of the customer sitting at a table before writing down the command, now at each new table the customer waits a longer time compared to the previous version. In other words, the more tables the longer they wait, this includes critics and special customers. [*] The command time after the order is taken has also been changed, we have increased the waiting time based on the amount of ingredients he orders at the command, to give more time to deliver the burger when it has four to six ingredients. [*] The score gain was also changed, he gains more point when he asks for a higher quality ingredient, remembering that what defines the quality of the ingredient and the amount of happy blue face that appears when buying a new ingredient and when assembling a new burger when it’s inside the food truck. [*] The happiness score gain was also changed, he gains more happiness points when he asks for a higher quality ingredient, remembering that what defines the quality of the ingredient and the amount of happy blue face that appears when buying a new ingredient and time to assemble a new burger when it’s inside the food truck. [*] But it is also discounting more points of happiness a customer with an ingredient that would give more point of happiness, ceases to be extended. [/list] [h3] πŸ‘Ύ Bugfix [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the bug of clicking on the food truck and the store at the same time. [*] Fixed the bug that the store sprites were inverted. [*] The inverted critic's sprite has been fixed. [*] The bug was fixed that when giving game over, there was a save moments before the game over. [*] The error when loading the game, repeating the transition of the store release was fixed. [*] Fixed the highlight of critics. [*] Now in the critic's command a star appears to stand out from the others, before I was not enjoying it. [*] Fixed the burger that could get a burger from the foodtruck while the newspaper was open. [*] Fixed a bug that broke the game when buying a special ingredient and a different order, you can now buy in any order. [*] Fixed the error when it arrived on the 31st and all stores were cleared, they were blocked again. This problem is no longer occurring. [*] Now the Score is no longer sending zero to steam. [*] Fixed the feedback when it is blocked. [/list] Thank you for watching so far. Creative Hand Team [url=https://discord.com/invite/aaFwfht] DIscord [/url]