Weyrdlets is an idle virtual pet game that harmonizes relaxation with productivity. Collect adorable items, customize your pet and its home, and bring your loving companion to your desktop to boost real-life tasks, enriching your daily routine with a touch of joy and motivation!
Hello everyone, we have a small patch fix for you! Thanks for being so patient!
[h2][b][color=white]Changes & Fixes[/color][/b][/h2]
[*] Fixed issue where the selection outline for the Folden lantern remained after exiting Build Mode.
[*] Resolved the poop-scooper tool not functioning properly in Desktop mode.
[*] Addressed a bug causing stickers placed on pets to rotate slightly after confirming placement.
[*] Corrected the dig-availability indicator not displaying on the minibar widget in Desktop mode, and fixed a bug where clicking on “collect digs” when there were no digs available shows an incorrect prompt stating that digs were unavailable.
[*] Music’s play/pause status now updates correctly on the minibar widget.
[*] Dig nodes will no longer appear when "Show Digs" is toggled off.
[*] Fixed bug where the Modern Series Part 2 in the Milestones Menu were incorrectly shown as fully claimed.
[h2][b][color=white]Known Issues[/color][/b][/h2]
[*] Items spawned in Desktop Mode go out of bounds.
[*] Flickering window at the top of the house.
[*] Erratic pet movement in Desktop mode (macOS).
[*] Game launches in borderless mode.
[*] Bugs related to multiplayer mode.