1.05 Release Notes

American Truck Simulator

Experience legendary American trucks and deliver various cargoes across sunny California, sandy Nevada, and the Grand Canyon State of Arizona. American Truck Simulator takes you on a journey through the breathtaking landscapes and widely recognized landmarks around the States.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25166108/807d1fd9cbeb846dcb3df56c5fbbb68174a9f863.png[/img] Greetings Starfighters, We are pushing the beta branch of 1.05 to the main branch after some testing. Thanks to everyone that worked with us to check these fixes. Please don't hesitate to post in the forums if you see something that is broken, especially if it involves the following: [list] [*]PS4 GAMEPAD: Fixed some conflicts with Steam's native support [*]DEBUG: Removed a leftover debug command on the numpad [*]BUILD: Install folder now contains batch file for launching VR [*]CRASH: Fixed memory leak crash on repeated attempts of some sorties [*]CONTROLS: Added option to use mouse x for roll (in general settings menu) [*]CONTROLS: Added option to map an analog throttle from -1 to 1 [*]CONTROLS/UI: Inverting mouse will no longer invert the mouse UI [*]UI: Fixed MOTD menu registering two clicks on fast machines [/list] Thanks, and good hunting!