1.0.8 is live and some news!

Duck Souls

Duck Souls is a fast-paced, action platformer about a little duck with an incredible skill to dash and a mission: find all the lost eggs in order to save his species.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33473430/3a6da7a36f64d4438d799e199aa6b15171558f45.png[/img] Hi, everyone! In this update i added the possibility to use the shoulder buttons and triggers to jump and dash, this might be useful for some players who feel more comfortable playing with these controls. I also started to work on a new feature, a zoom out switch in the options menu. This zoom out feature will let you see the whole level while you play, it will prevent those frustrating moments when you die without having the chance to prepare yourself. Everything should be done by Friday in the 1.1.0 update. BTW, the controller update was a Diegovz01 idea. Thank you very much, sir! And that's it for now. Have a nice day, people! :)