03/15/2021 update


Fly anything you want and reach the top of the world rankings! Will you be fast enough ?

[b][h1]NEW CONTENT[/h1][/b] [list] [*] [UI-Multi] A grid has been added to the Exploration mini-map to better distinguish movement [*] [UI] Vehicle stats are now animated [*] [UI] Animated some elements in the Time Trial menu [*] [UI] Added a tip on the main menu recommending the player to use a controller [*] [UX] Added a cross for color-blind people on the second checkpoint that also helps seeing missed checkpoint [*] [UX] Exploration treasures are easier to see and emit particles [/list] [b][h1]CHANGES / IMPROVEMENTS[/h1][/b] [list] [*] [UX] Exploration spawns moved to facilitate the first treasure discovery on each map [*] [Misc] Better QRCode visibility on the Patroller Police [/list] [b][h1]FIXES[/h1][/b] [list] [*] [UX] Track guide added to the tutorial race [/list]