
Eresys is a co-op horror game inspired from the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Teamwork is a key as players take on the roles of four cultists and face the terrifying entities together. Dynamic AI mechanics and unique enemies, Eresys promises to deliver a thrilling and spine-chilling gaming experience.

[b]0.6.6 TUTORIAL AREA AND SUMMER SALE[/b] This patch we added a tutorial area to quickly learn the ropes of the game without having to spend too much time reading the cult guide. We would also like to announce that Eresys is part of the steam summer sale! [b]TUTORIAL AREA[/b] -Added a new tutorial area in the temple (lobby map) where you can easily learn the basic mechanics of the game -Added grand cultist in that area This tutorial area is entirely optional, we've implemented it, so new players can learn the most important mechanics as fast as possible. However, the cult guide has more descriptions and overall much more detailed explanations, so if players are curious about all of the game mechanics they should still check it out! [b]FIXES[/b] -Fixed some minor visual issues with the book glow, that would potentially happen when multiple pages were overlapped the book's collision -Fixed a minor visual issue with the flame of the wax head when placed on a statue -Fixed a UI error regarding the oil counter location that would sometimes trigger when a player ran out of oil -The lantern now keeps burning even if you spam the run/couch button, there is a slight delay to check if the player is actually running or crouched before the burning stops -Tweaks and fixes to the interact collision of the grand cultists used in the temple library, and now the tutorial area -Changed some asset placement and tweaked some collision inside the "old structure" -Fixed a few collision bugs reported by the community regarding some roots and tree placement -Fixed a bug, also reported by the community, regarding the respawn statue inside the devoured house, players could respawn clipping into the ground [b]REMINDER[/b] This update is now live, if for whatever reason the update doesn't show up, restart steam. And remember, for co-op sessions, all players must have the same game version! With this new patch, game version will be Eresys 0.6.6 [b]FUTURE CONTENT[/b] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2028352332402048093/FCF408CE9BFF9B8A32A01688A20EA0F638F2D660/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img]