0.6.6 - Please read if you have used Wait or Fire/Use Duration nodes


Design and program drones, then send them into autonomous battles. Test your logic in this "Carnage Heart" (カルネージハート) inspired game.

- *IMPORTANT* Changed default variable _t to be seconds (was deciseconds), Wait, Fire Duration, and Activate Duration functions are now also in seconds (was deciseconds). Make sure your drones are updated if you used any of these features. - New option for input values - divisor, you can toggle between "/1" (keeps the value the same), "/10" (divides by 10), and "/100" (by 100) - Added estimated dates for target (stage) releases - Updated some mission graphics - Added an objective to D4 to get a machine gun upgrade - Added an objective to D9 to get a converter (pulse) upgrade - Added an objective to D9 to get a diamond badge - Added an achievement for getting 100 stars