0.57.0 is Now Live on Steam!

Third Crisis

Fight or fuck your way through the story. Choose friend or foe from the diverse cast. Stay pure or stray to the perverse. Explore Carceburgs town and conquer the wilderness. Outplay your opponents and get what you came here for.

[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/36989033/9b6bbe582798a7a45aea1a40538698bdacec3ac6.png[/img] [list] [*] Added a scene when captured by the drones in occupied Carceburg. [*] Added a dominatrix spanking scene accessed via the job board. [*] Added a new house to Carceburg for the new scene. [*] Added a toggle in the Controls settings to enable/disable controller support for UI. This fixes the scrolling in the clothing store. [*] Fixed an issue causing the Browser build to not work. [*] Fixed holiday mission not completing if completed before the resistance camp sequence. [/list]