

HROT is a single-player retro FPS set in a small socialist country neighboring Soviet Union (Czechoslovakia) after an unspecified disaster in 1986. Those times were dark and terrifying and so is the game.

[list] [*] new map e3m4 - "George of Podiebrad" [*] propane gas bottle - similar to explosive barrel, but with 1.5s delay [*] hussite crossbow improved [*] horse calendar [*] fixed wine achievement [/list] And of course... Dog friend introduced in e3m4 - - Prague Ratter. You can pet it, it will follow you, bark at enemies, growl and hunt rats! Do not overfeed! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37662475/4b6c2e37d18c15fad589b159164265e3272c39c3.gif[/img]