has been released! Features UI sounds and more accurate VTOL behavior.

Tiny Combat Arena

Tiny Combat Arena is an approachable combat flight simulator sporting a stylized look and various game modes. Dogfight your way in the Arena and in Quick Action or craft your own scenarios and take part in a vast war with objectives and friendly armies to support.

As work continues on the Arena introduction campaign, UI sound effects, such as for when mission objectives are completed, were needed to unblock a task, so this very old backlog item has finally been taken care of. [h2]UI Sound Effects and UI Audio Channels[/h2] This has been a task I've been dreading for a [i]very[/i] long time simply because it was going to be a tedious exercise. Thanks to some foresight and plentiful use of nested prefabs, it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. UI SFX are one of those really minor things that add a lot to game feel, so I'm really happy this is finally done. [previewyoutube=nK3D_aHQJUk;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]VTOL Nozzle Angle Changes[/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/882914594128011274/1214423033637240832/Unity-2024-03-04-16-31-14.gif?ex=66024916&is=65efd416&hm=027d687937e5ac3ae26e707b33fd1caf0d55f0668fddf623d80f3d6c73a01d1c&[/img] Another small backlog item: The nozzle thrust and rotation is now based on an engine actually rotating versus just magically being applied through input. The UI has been updated accordingly to support this. The effect is exaggerated here in the above gif, since the Pegasus nozzles rotate fast enough that you won't notice this. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - New sounds when hovering/clicking on buttons - New sounds when a slider is manipulated - New sounds when a "big thing" happens such as selecting a game mode - Added UI and Music sound sliders to the audio settings - External audio can be heard (quietly) when in database view Improvements: - Engines apply VTOL nozzle vectored thrust based on true nozzle angle - AV8B nozzle moves 180 degrees a second - On the HUD, nozzle chevron and text shows desired angle - On the HUD, nozzle bar shows true nozzle angle - VTOLD HUD is triggered by desired nozzle angle instead of true angle - STOVL MFD reports true nozzle angle instead of desired angle - AV8B nozzle angle gauge reports true nozzle angle instead of desired angle - AnimatedParts can be overridden by engine VTOL values JSON: - Added "VTOLNozzleSpeed" to engine definition, how many degrees/second can rotate - Added "VTOLAnimatedParts" to engine definition, any AnimatedParts in this list will instead be controlled by the engine VTOL controller[/code]