is now available!

Tiny Combat Arena

Tiny Combat Arena is an approachable combat flight simulator sporting a stylized look and various game modes. Dogfight your way in the Arena and in Quick Action or craft your own scenarios and take part in a vast war with objectives and friendly armies to support.

Hello! This patch cycle is once again focused on bugfixes, as a lot of dev attention has been on the next terrain, the new challenges it's creating, and other behind the scenes work. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFqWVw_WAAEmXzM?format=png&name=900x900[/img] The major changes this patch, with links to the posts in which they are discussed, are: [list] [*][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1347550/view/3950287576122204269]Revised cockpit rendering[/url] [*][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1347550/view/3950287576122204269]Vertical floating origin[/url] [*][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1347550/view/4047115602009198492]New audio sliders and adjustments to the audio mix[/url][/list] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [code]New Features: - Added real (64 by default) and virtual (256 by default) audio channels to audio settings tab - Minimum airspeed that can be read by an aircraft is now configurable on a per-aircraft basis Improvements: - Cockpit design changed so that ONLY the cockpit is in the cockpit model, no more duplicated geometry (e.g. fuselage in both models) + "Third person" parts of the model such as the canopy bow are hidden when in first person + First pilot automatically hidden when in first person + Cockpitless planes no longer require special h andling regarding camera clip planes - AV8B model updated for new cockpit modeling workflow and removed unused vertex colors - AV8B no longer uses unique shader - Near clip plane for ALL cameras is now 0.05 (most were 1.0) - Far clip plane for ALL cameras is now 100k - When escape menu modal dialogs are open, escape will close it - Floating origin now applies in the vertical Bugfixes: - Page selectors on database mode now work - Instant action wing selector pages should work correctly when multiple pages are visible - Pressing escape during the pause menu while settings or bindings are open won't continue game - Fog and clouds no longer disappear when loading Instant Action after Arena - AI aircraft flying in formation automatically switch back to nav mode - Cockpit no longer shakes at higher altitude - "Investigate" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - "Idle Orbit" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - "Climb" AI behavior correctly accounts for floating origin - Arena icons no longer appear for a single frame near origin when a unit spawns - Camera text correctly accounts for the floating origin - Radar altimeter and shadows should be handled better when flying "out of bounds" - Paging for the wing selector and database selector should work correctly for edge cases - When vehicles fall off the navmesh, they instead report (with error messages) that they did, but also shouldn't call any invalid NavMeshAgents - Optimized how stores weight is calculated (was an unexpected bottleneck) - Changes to audio mix to hopefully reduce missing engine sounds - Afterburner thrust value no longer affects aircraft if no afterburner is available - AV8B MFD Cruise page minimum speed IAS/TAS now matches the Game HUD minimum speed - Landing gear can no longer be raised/lower post-ejection - Terrain raycasting better accounts for vertical floating origin - Aircraft no longer spawns underground in Arena if a new sortie JSON: - Warning shown in log when collider is missing - Added "HideInFirstPerson" list to aircraft definition (see AV8B JSON for example) - Added "Avionics" property to aircraft with sub-property "MinDisplayedAirspeedMPS"[/code]