Patch Note

Mad World - Age of Darkness - MMORPG

Mad World stays true to the classic MMORPGs but with unique art and grotesqueness. Fight along side your friends to take down formidable enemies, or fight against your friends to test your skills in a world full of fear, despair, and madness. This is Mad World.

[table equalcells=1][tr][th][h3]Balance[/h3][/th][/tr] [tr][td][list][*]Changed the maximum damage multiplier cap when hunting monsters (excluding PvP) from 400% to 800%.[*]Adjusted the balance of elite & boss monsters and increased EXP and gold rewards in World Tier Hard/Fear difficulties.[*]Removed low-level item drops in World Tier Fear difficulty.[*]Increased drop rates of higher-level items in World Tier Fear difficulty.[/list][/td][/tr][/table] [table equalcells=1][tr][th][h3]MCASH Shop[/h3][/th][/tr] [tr][td][list][*]Updated weekly packages.[/list][/td][/tr][/table]