
Missile Wars

Destroy or be destroyed. Missile Wars is a high-pressure arms race where players must defend their asteroid from enemy missile strikes while investing in crucial tech upgrades to gain the upper hand.

[u]UI Improvements & fixes[/u] Main Game pannel [list] [*] Add highlights to affordable upgrades (player feedback) [*] Indicate when there is a lack of resource for launch using darkened red font in the launch costs [*] Add double click on the missile selection controls that enable mass replacement in the queue. Updated its tooltip to reference this. [*] Increase size of upgrade and queue controls for VR. Making it easier to select and make more use of the available space. [/list] Audio menu [list] [*] Updated the audio options to add buttons for volume control to make the existing select and scroll less confusing (select and scroll still functions). [*] Updated the audio options to enable / disable the warning siren effect (aka the Dan button) [/list]