
Missile Wars

Destroy or be destroyed. Missile Wars is a high-pressure arms race where players must defend their asteroid from enemy missile strikes while investing in crucial tech upgrades to gain the upper hand.

[u]UI Improvements & fixes[/u] [list] [*] Main menu options re-named, re-ordered and tooltips updated to make the options clearer [*] Remove MW from custom lobby names [*] Fixed some tool tips typos in custom game menu (player feedback) [*] Fixed tooltips on upgrade items reverting on pause (player feedback) [*] Added tooltip descriptions for missiles (player feedback) [*] Added a continue button to the tutorial to allow the player control to continue at certain points (player feedback) [*] Improved the tutorial text [*] Added sound effect on player connections [/list] [u] Bug fixes [/u] [list] [*] Fixed Olympian missile earning techpoints (5->10) [*] Fixed Heavy Gemini missile armour rating (was 1/2 of intended) [/list]