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川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump's Re-election

川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump's Re-election

This game is for entertainment only. It does not represent any group or individual, nor does it represent or agree with any political views.A game simulating the re-election of Comrade Trump, let's write a hymn of loyalty.

School Years

School Years

A visual novel adapted from a real story.To tell the most authentic Chinese story in the most simple words

东方裁判梦~Rookie Attorney Legendry

东方裁判梦~Rookie Attorney Legendry

《东方裁判梦 ~Rookie Attorney Legendry》是一款解谜推理类东方同人游戏,主要讲述了魔理沙误打误撞成为了一名律师,为证明委托人的清白而踏上了法庭,与以八云紫为首的检方斗智斗勇,解开了一个又一个谜团。故事分为三个章节,每个章节都有多个结局。