Windmill Oasis

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Happiness! Sakura Celebration!

Happiness! Sakura Celebration!

Once every ten years, the cherry blossoms stay in bloom longer than usual, and the seasonal festivals are much more grandiose. This year is known as the Year of the Cherry Blossoms. With the arrival of the Year of the Cherry Blossoms once more, various people begin to feel various feelings sprout up again.

Witch's Garden

Witch's Garden

《魔女的花园》是由日本美少女游戏知名大厂Windmill Oasis(风车社)为纪念品牌成立十周年所倾力打造的奇幻恋爱大作。本作同时也是第一部搭载E-Mote动态立绘演出系统的作品,当年一经公布便引起业界震动,并在美少女游戏大赏中荣获诸多奖项。