From developer Whirlpool comes a mini-sequel to NEKO-NIN exHeart featuring the sub-character, Nachi! Impressed by the protagonist's desire to become a better Master for his ninja, Nachi decides to train our hero. What happens when Nachi finds herself glued to our protagonist as well...?
Kikumaru's life was fairly normal until a gun wielding catgirl appears during his grandfather's funeral. Even his little sister suddenly sprouts tanuki-ears! A beautiful woman (with cat ears as well) comes to his rescue. The curtain rises on the latest chapter in the NEKO-NIN exHeart series. Nin!
Peace has more or less returned as humankind and dragonkind learn to coexist with each other. With the town summer festival approaching soon, Takeru would prefer that things stay the way they are. As expected, a new threat approaches in the form of Mei, the dragon princess of the Nether!
Idol fan and manager, Nakamori Taiga and the girls are back in this latest installment! Animal Trail ☆ Girlish Square is gaining momentum and have a chance to reach stardom in the upcoming Tokyo New Idol Festival. The stage is set: it’s time to kick things off with another roar!