Sand Traveler

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Last Devil

Last Devil

You are the Demon Lord Kuro on a mission to protect demonkind. Use your abilities and charms to capture and ensnare others. Tumble with different personalities and fetishes in this 2D rogue-lite shooter!

異星病毒Alien virus

異星病毒Alien virus

「異星病毒Alien virus」 是一款末日生存RPG遊戲,位於【漢克市】的秘密實驗室爆發了前所未見的病毒感染,由於市長隱匿疫情,導致了全球數十億人喪命。此病毒被聯合國命名為【漢克病毒Mutantvirus-17】,人類將面臨什麼危機呢?

Last Devil - Family Friendly

Last Devil - Family Friendly

You are the Demon Lord Kuro on a mission to protect demonkind. Use your abilities to capture and ensnare others. Tumble with different personalities in this 2D rogue-lite shooter!