Lump of Sugar

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Tayutama 2-you're the only one-

Tayutama 2-you're the only one-

Introduction In the mountain town far away the ashihara chou,a BRAND-NEW story about the coexistence of “humans”and “ tayutai“ is about to start. To be with you    this is the only oath   and my everything

Yumahorome ~Toki o Tometa Yakata de Asu o Sagasu Maigo-tachi~

Yumahorome ~Toki o Tometa Yakata de Asu o Sagasu Maigo-tachi~

《真愿朦幻馆~在时间暂停的洋馆里追寻明天的羔羊们~》是由日本美少女游戏知名品牌Lump of Sugar(方糖社)于2022年6月24日发售的最新力作。本作由由人气画师萌木原文武担当原画与人物设计,由知名剧本家中岛大河创作剧本。片头主题歌《静寂之门》由新锐创作型歌手逢濑晶创作并献唱。

Arcana Alchemia

Arcana Alchemia

《炼爱秘仪》是由日本知名美少女游戏品牌Lump of Sugar(方糖社)制作的奇幻恋爱题材作品。本作由萌木原文武担当原画与角色设计,由业内多位剧本家携手担当剧本,人气声优天知遥、步莎拉领衔为本作女主角献声。曾荣获萌系游戏大赏年度声音金奖以及月间奖。

Hello, Goodbye

Hello, Goodbye

"Toubu Kaito" That is the fake name assumed by a young military officer from the United Provinces of Japan. He has been tasked with infiltrating Tenshudo Academy, located in Special District Morino, impersonating a transfer student. He is to cast aside his former identity, and 'become' Toubu Kaito.