Ushering in a new era for the METAL GEAR franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain, will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions.
Konami's Castlevania Anniversary Collection traces the origins of the historic vampire franchise. Included is a unique eBook with details provided by developers, artists and others inspired by the Castlevania legacy which sheds a fresh light into the world of Castlevania.
A 3 minute tag-battle with extra twists! Play as a Monster who must lock everyone into jail before time runs out, or as a Human who must avoid capture and bail their teammates out of trouble. Invite your friends and family to play this speedy game of cat and mouse - or rather, Monsters and Humans!
This is a 3D action role-playing game based on the space fantasy comic/anime EDENS ZERO by Hiro Mashima, creator of Fairy Tail and Rave Master. The player controls a diverse cast of characters as they embark on an epic adventure across different planets while battling powerful enemies!