DOMO Studio

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Xuan-Yuan Sword VII

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII is an ARPG rooted in Chinese history and mythology. Players take on the role of Taishi Zhao, a calm and reliable swordsman who was accidentally involved in a tragic fate. To protect his beloved family, he starts a journey in this chaotic realm to find the truth.

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

The “Xuan-Yuan Sword” is an epic oriental RPG series with 25 years of history.It elaborates on the very heart of this series, the idea of "one, looking at the same thing from different angles, may come to different conclusions. " through a variety of historical incidents in different times.

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

***This game is only available in Chinese*** 本作故事发生在风起云涌的三国时代。洛阳少年徐暮云,与青梅竹马兰茵、张诰相交甚笃,一同习剑成长。希望有朝一日能以一身武艺协助恩师张郃,报效朝廷。因缘际会下结识了一群人,展开了一连串困难重重的精彩历险……

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 本游戏为回合制RPG。主角陆承轩身负强大力量却无法控制,阴差阳错来到神话中的山海界,在此结识了众多不同物种的奇妙伙伴,一路抽丝剥茧,解开山海界、黄帝、轩辕剑之间的过往密辛,展开高潮迭起的精彩旅程。

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Cloud of Han

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Cloud of Han

*** This game is only available in Chinese ***单人回合制角色扮演游戏。三国时代初年,大汉丞相诸葛亮在数年的休息生养之后,毅然决定展开北伐复兴大业。然而此时此刻谁也没有想到,汉军中突然出现一支来历不详、身份神秘之奇兵部队,在不久的未来,却将左右整个大汉之命运……