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Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Scar of Sky

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Scar of Sky

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 《轩辕剑参外传 天之痕》是大宇资讯DOMO小组所制作的回合制角色扮演游戏,融合历史、神话、五行等要素,以妙趣横生的战斗系统、别具一格的水墨画风,呈现出一个跌宕起伏、百转千回的隋末传奇故事。

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

The “Xuan-Yuan Sword” is an epic oriental RPG series with 25 years of history.It elaborates on the very heart of this series, the idea of "one, looking at the same thing from different angles, may come to different conclusions. " through a variety of historical incidents in different times.

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Dance of the Maple Leaves

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Dance of the Maple Leaves

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《轩辕剑外传 枫之舞》是一款以战国时代为背景的回合制RPG,主角辅子彻是墨家弟子,因为蜀桑子的阴谋而开始踏上江湖。并在途中遇到年轻可爱的少女桑纹锦,聒噪的鹦鹉疾鹏,以及脱离墨家的同门铸石子,三人一鸟开启了一段惊心动魄的冒险旅程。

Xuan-Yuan Sword 2

Xuan-Yuan Sword 2

*** This game doesn't support English *** 自盘古开天辟地后,女娲神创造了人族与魔族,因性格与外表的不同,两族常起冲突。后来人类铸造了一把神器——轩辕剑,企图彻底解决两族间的战争。持有此剑的侠士带领人类与魔族战得两败俱伤。十七年后,主角离开教他仙法多年的师父下山历练,面对这世上的纷争,期待一个能让自己活跃的舞台……

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

***This game is only available in Chinese*** 本作故事发生在风起云涌的三国时代。洛阳少年徐暮云,与青梅竹马兰茵、张诰相交甚笃,一同习剑成长。希望有朝一日能以一身武艺协助恩师张郃,报效朝廷。因缘际会下结识了一群人,展开了一连串困难重重的精彩历险……

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 本游戏为回合制RPG。主角陆承轩身负强大力量却无法控制,阴差阳错来到神话中的山海界,在此结识了众多不同物种的奇妙伙伴,一路抽丝剥茧,解开山海界、黄帝、轩辕剑之间的过往密辛,展开高潮迭起的精彩旅程。

The Legend of Viccess

The Legend of Viccess

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