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小白兔电商~Bunny e-Shop

小白兔电商~Bunny e-Shop

Experience a hilarious and adorable e-commerce game in a magical world where humans and monsters are at war. Help a humble rabbit fairy expand her online store selling homegrown carrots. Uncover hidden secrets while growing the business and becoming a successful entrepreneur.



Getting a girl-friend before National College Entrance Exam, I know it's crazy, but from today, we will face everything together.

Season of 12 Colors

Season of 12 Colors

--The way it was, Just like it is now, On a bright, bright summer day. "That's a promise, right?" The girl in a white dress said. Sunny sky. A paper plane slid across it, riding on blue winds.

我的纸片人女友/Make butter together!

我的纸片人女友/Make butter together!

忽然从天而降的萝装少女,总是带着敌意的学妹,经常放鸽子的学姐。剧情是甜蜜亦或是胃疼? 买一赠一,恋爱模拟器精神(病)续作(才怪),作为玩家参与到游戏制作过程中去,你会写出怎样的校园恋爱故事呢?来体验制作组产出的心路历程吧。(X)

枕边少女 MOE Hypnotist - share dreams with you

枕边少女 MOE Hypnotist - share dreams with you

读睡前故事?唱摇篮曲?亲手喂安眠药?和陪睡达人枕边少女一起共度良宵吧! 本游戏是由“橘子班”制作的枕边少女系列合集,今后或许不定期会有更多的枕边少女加入其中,尽请期待。

Death Live

Death Live


Bagel Love Story

Bagel Love Story

A light-hearted and enjoyable short romance VN! The protagonist, Fan Tong, struggles to lose weight in hopes of finding a job, but the journey is far from smooth. Until one day, a cute and sunny girl named Bagel comes into his life, kickstarting a story of weight loss, cross-dressing, and romance!